Recover Up to 8 Weeks Faster
On average, patients recover up to 8 weeks faster with the Arthrex Minimally Invasive Bunionectomy compared to open procedures.1,11 Most patients are able to walk away from surgery without assistance of a knee scooter or crutches, and are able to return to driving and other daily activities sooner.1,11
Before and After

Patient Stories
Smaller Incisions for Less Postoperative Pain7
Small “percutaneous” incisions act as entry portals for the specialized instruments surgeons use to perform the procedure. The ⅛- to ½-inch incisions are made on the side of the foot, as compared to traditional bunion surgeries performed through a 2- to 6-inch incision on the top of the foot (“open” surgery).
Preserve Your Anatomy,
Preserve Your Motion
Bunion correction with the Arthrex Minimally Invasive Bunionectomy procedure doesn’t disturb soft tissues in the way that open surgeries do.12 Large, invasive incisions can cause scar tissue that leaves your foot stiff and unable to bend freely.9 But minimally invasive bunion correction helps you maintain—or can even improve—your range of motion at your big toe joint!2 The Arthrex Bunionectomy leaves all the joints in your foot intact, allowing them the freedom to move naturally.